Thursday, September 3, 2009

World Exploration && Photo Analysis Challenge Game.

World Exploration:




- How intersting it was to discover new information about the world. Learn new countries flags and the colors on them. Learning what island nations are by each other.Having the information given after you answered the answer gave you more insight.Thats what we got out of this game experince.

Photo Analysis Challenge:




-We loved finding out the different items that were missing from the pictures. Mine had to do with a mid-day street scene where it took me a lil while to figure out the different pieces. Still fun in all, you have to have aexcellent eye to find them. Jasmine had a differnt scence then mine it was dealing with hte night life. Where she had to find small objects that contained like a backpack. Still in all she did better then me with the time remaning.

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