Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Madagascar Mobile Game Demo && Glu Mobile Demo&& All of Africa

Mobile Game Demo:
Jasmine: 100%

The Mobile Game Demo was very
entertaining because the animals
keep talking to you. Also it placed
different obstacles in the way that
you have to manuever around. I
wouldn't mind playing this game again.
As a matter of fact, I think I will :)

Glu Mobile Demo:
Jasmine: 100%

This game will most definitely keep
you busy and you can put it on your
cell phone. Other than that, the Glu
Mobile Demo is fairly easy. I think
anyone would love this game.

All of Africa:
Christina: 100%
Jasmine: 100%

Taught us information that we didn't know before.
Intrigueing to find out the clue hints to the question.
Very difficult at first qhen it came down to the directions
when you first began. Overall it was okay to play.

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