Thursday, September 17, 2009

Chapter 5: World History Study Guide

1. Sahara-worlds largets desert.
2. Nile-worlds largest river.
3. Egypt-northern corner of Africa called
the seedbed of African culture.
4. Mizraim-most ancient name of Egypt. && name
of one of Ham's sons. Gen. 10:6
5. Land of Ham: what the Bible called Egypt.
6. Nomes:small states in Egypt.
7. Pharoahs: strong rulers. divided nomes into
lower and upper egypt. (living gods)
8. Menes: first phraoh on United Egypt. United upper
and lower egypt. became known as Kingdom of
Two Lands.
9. The Gift of the Nile: Herdotus called Egypt.
*known as greek father of history
10. Hieroglyphics: Egyptian writing system
contains over 700 characters.
11. Book of the Dead: most important Egyptian
work. contains prayer, hymns, spells, and
other info to guide souls through the after life.
&& placed them in tombs.
12. Memphis: 12 miles south of Cairo. nothing remains
of the city except two granite coloss. and one alabaster
13. Thebes: nothing remains of the city except the vast hecropolis.
&& "city of the dead" (one big cementary)
14. Necropolis: means "city of the dead"
15. Pyramid: symbolizes egyptian gov. && used as a tomb
-pharoah, priest and officials, and everyone else
16. Monarchy: one leader
17. theocracy: rule by God.
*Monarchy && Theocracy: dominated by the "god-king" Pharoah.
18. Humanism: worshipping man. (Pharoah)
19. Naturalism: worship forces of nature
20. Polytheism: believing in thousands of gods and goddesses.
21. Egyptian tombs: used for the afterlife. && a man spent basically
his whole life preparing for his afterlife affairs. early pharoahs
built huge stone pyramids to serves as house of eternity for their
mortal remains.
22. Great Pyramid: one of the wonders of the world. took 100,000
workers and 20 years to construct this pyramid.
*once finished: covered 13 acres, 2.3 million block of stone, was 480 ft. high
23. King Tut: one of the worlds greatest archaeological discoveries
*Howard Carter 1922
* teenage pharoah who died at 18
24. Mummification: preservation of bodies of the dead. huge tombs and
pyramids were used as caskets.
25. 30 Dynasties: how ancient egyptian history is divided.
26. Old Kingdom: dyn=3-6 && 3 imp. monarchs: Cheops, khafre, Menkaure
26. Pyramids at Giza: built by Cheops, Khafre, && Menkaure
27. Great Sphinx: head of man body of a lion. && looks like Khafre
28. Middle Kingdom: dyn.=11. King Mentuhotep I est. capital at Thebes.
* around the time Abraham was living.
29. King Menuhote I: king of the middle kingdom
30. Hyksos: Asiatic warriors conquered the Middle Kingdom.
31. Ahmose I: king of the New Kingdom.
32. New Kingdom: dyn=18-20
33. Hatshepshut: only female pharoah && may have been Moses' mom.
34. Amenhotep II: Thutmose III's son. &&Amenhotep may have been
pharoah during the Exodus.
35. Later New Kingdom- Ramses II most outstanding Egyptian monarch
36. RamsesII- uler of the later new kngdom
37.Alexander The Great- conquered Egypt 332 BC
38. Alexandria- became most imp. city in Alexanders empire
39. Lighthouse of Alexandria- 1 of the wonders of the ancient world 440-foot high marble tower with a fire burning pitch and a giant reflective mirror. the light house could cast its light 35mi. across the sea

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