Monday, September 14, 2009

Chapter 5 Section Review 3 && Identify

1. Old, Middle, && New.
2. Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure
&& art and architecture
3. King Mentuhotep I && When Abraham
and his family entered Egypt in search
of food.
4. Ahmose I && to erase the remebrance of
the hated domination of Egypt.
5. Hatsheput
6. Egypt restablished its own empire in Asia during this period.
&& Thutmose III && It may have been the pharoah during the
Hebrew Exodus.
7. He seized control of the Suez Canal. Which created an international
crisis involving Egypt, Israel, Britain, France, && the United States.
8. Anwar el Sadat && Negotiated with Israel's prime minister.

1. Giza-Three largest pyramids are located.
2. Great Sphinx-head of a man and body of a lion.
3. Twelfth Dynasty-kings established their capital at Thebes.
4. Hyksos-shepherd kings or rulers of foreign countries.
5. Ramses II-most outstanding monarch
6. Alexandria- became the most important city in Alexander's empire.
7. Septuagint-the Old Testament translated into Greek
8. Ptolemy-he established the Hellenistic dynasty.
9. Cairo-became the center the center of Egyptian life
and one of ther great cities of the Arab world.
10. Suez Canal- Nassar seized it creating an international crisis.
11. Hosni Mubarak-under his rule Israel completed its withdrawal
from the Sinai Peninsula.

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