Monday, September 28, 2009

Study Guide Ch.6:Africa

Essay Questions:

1. Roads and railroads were constructed.

Hospitals were established. Schools founded.

Law and Order and new cities built.

2. Gospel, Food, Shelter, Education, and stable

civil government.

African Landscape:

Deserts: 2/5 of covered with it.

Sahara/Kalahari: Sahara-North. Kalahari-South

Savanna: land characterized by wet and dry seasons

covered by grasses and shrubs.

Atlas Mountain Range: africa's longets mountain range

Mt. Kilimanjaro-africa's tallest mountains.

Nile River-longest river

Lake Victoria-africa's largest lake

Great Rift Valley-largest rift in the earth's


African History

Began after the Flood.

Ebed Melech-famous Cushite && helped prophet Jeremiah

when he was cast into prison by King Zedekiah

Unamed Eithiopian-most famous Cushite in World History&&

treasurer for Queen Candance of Cush.

Eunuch-castrated man who helped the Queen.

Edesius-credited with bringing Christianity to Africa

Frumentius-first bishop of Ethiopian Christian Church.

Early Christianity in Africa

Alexandria, Egypt:home to Clement of Alexandria

Cyrene, Libya: Simon carried the cross for Jesus

Carthage, Tunisia: city of early church fathers Tertullian

and Cyprian.

Clement of Alexandria-wrote Shepherd of Tender Youth

African Trade

Sea Trade:
Africa-ivory, gold, and iron
Asians-silk, precious stones, and porcelain

Inland Trade:
Africa: slaves, gold, and ivory
Middle East: salt, copper, and dried fruits

Mali Empire:lasted from 1200-1500 AD modern day
Gambia, Guinea, Mali, and Senegal

Timbuktu: trading center for Mali Empire && famous center
for learning and culture

Songhai Empire: domin. West Africa in 1500s && monopolized
trade across the Sahara.

Explorations && Missions:
"The White Man's Grave": name for Africa during the 19th century

Mungo Park: explored Africa from 1805-1806 && traced most of the
Nile River

Hugh Clapperton: explored Africa 1822-1824. first European
to cross the Sahara Desert.

Alexander Laing: explored Africa from 1825-1826. first European
to reach Timbuktu.

Robert Moffatt: one of the first missionsaries to Africa. 1795-1883

David Livingstone: first European to see Victoria Falls. went missing.

Africa in Modern Times:

European Rule: by WWI only two African states were independent.
*Ethiopia and Libya

Progress: law and order. schools founded. roads/railroads constructed.
hospitals established. new cities built.

General Idi Amin: seixed power in Uganda. ruled until 1979.
devout muslim. killed as many as 300,000 people

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