Friday, September 11, 2009

Chapter 5 Review. 5.1 && 5.2 and Identify


1.Africa && Sahara && Nile

2.Mediterranean Sea, Sahara, and Red Sea.

3. Mizraim

4. culture diffusion.

5. Upper and Lower. && Menes.

6. Nile River && Nile Delta

7. Egypt was the greatest and most magnificent

power of the ancient world.

8. It made the soil really fertile was used for their

way life.

9.Napolean invaded Egypt in 1798, his men found a

broken slab of black basalt. It was the Rosetta Stone.

Frenchman Jean Champollion.

10.Memphis && Thebes.

11. Pyramid && Social Arragement. Pharoah=Top.

Nobles=Middle && Slaves=bottom.

12. They, believed in everything-hmanists,naturalistic,&polytheistic.

When it came to human immortality their belief was to give the now died everything they willl need in the after life. To wrapping them in mummy form too exqusite treasures.


  • Isthmus of Suez-What once used to sep. Africa and Asia
  • Copts-Hamitic people who blended w/ Semitic and Japethic ppl. of Med. world
  • Nomes- small states
  • Herodotus- "Father Of History"
  • Nile Delta- plain of fertile soil which the Nile formed
  • Hieroglyphics- Egyptian writing form
  • Book Of the Dead- the book placed in tombs to help protect the spirits of the dead
  • Necropolis- "city of the dead", loc. on the west bank of the Nile
  • Great Pyramid of Cheops- at Giza, reamains one of the wonders of the world
  • Tutankhamen- a teenage pharaoh who died at the age of 18
  • Mummification- the preservation of the bodies of the dead

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