Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Mummy Question && Paragraphs

Ancient Egyptian history spans how many centuries?
-30 CENT.
What did the people believe Pharaoh was?
How did they "achieve immortality"?
by mummification

What was embalming?
- Your dead body is collected and cleaned.
Who did the embalming?
What role did linen, your body,
the priest, natron salt, canopic jars,
tools, and oils play in the
embalming process?
-linen:wrapped your body
-your body:being preserved
-the priest:makes the long cut
along the left side of your
-natron salt:used to preserve the body.
-canopic jars:the organs were stored
-tools:used to remove the organs
-oils: used to preserve.

C. "Organs Removed"
Which organs were removed?
-liver, lungs, stomach and intestines
What did they do with them?
- canopic jars

D. "Get Stuffed"
What does "Get Stuffed" refer to?
-after the natron salt dries out your
skin they stuff the empty spaces where
your organs used to be
What did they stuff you with?
-filled with sawdust, rags and chaff.

Tomb Bound-
What did they do to get your body ready for the tomb?
- wraped you in 20 layers of linen bandages
What was involved in bandaging the body?
- Resin is used to glue the bandages together. Once completely wrapped in bandages, you are wrapped in two special large shrouds secured with linen strips.

What might be placed in your tomb if you were rich?
-all your treasure and gold

F. "Coffins Etc"
Tell me about Ancient Egyptian coffins.
-they were usually wooden coffins.
What went in the coffins with the body?
- Make sure that they have pictures of the
gods and the correct spells painted on them
to protect you. Of course, they should also
have plenty of hieroglyphs singing your
praises written on them.
What went in the tomb with the coffin?
-the tools they mummified you with.

G."Your Funeral"
What did an Ancient Egyptian funeral look like?
-You will be buried on the western side of the river,
where the sun sets.
Tell me about the procession.
-Your coffin is taken there by boat and is then placed
on a sledge and pulled to your tomb. A priest leads a procession
of mourners, followed by bearers carrying food offerings and all
the objects you will need in the afterlife.

G. "Eternal Rest"
- Tell me about tomb raiders.
- raided tombs and if caught tortured
What do they do and what do they want?
broke in to steal the treasures.

  • Christina=->I learned that it took 20 layers of bandages to rape the mummy. That if tomb raiders were caught they would face probably death. I didnt know that they stuffed the mummy with all different kinds of spices and that it was a 70 day process. They way they demostrated the mummy laying visually got my attention b/c they showed you it step-by-step.

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