Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Chapter 7 Section Review 1 plus Identify

1. Black and Agean. && Ionian. Gulf of Corinth
2. Minoans-&& Crete. Mycenaeans-Greece Trojans-Troy
flourished: 2000 and 1100 B.C.
3. Minoans. King Minos at Knossos.
4. Mycenaeans
5. Dorians && Hellenes
6. Homer
7. Iliad:heroic deeds of Ancient Greeks. Odyssey:adventures of
a brave Greek Warrior Odysseus.
8. A polis is a city-state. Surrounded a hilltop, fortress called the
9. Athens, Eretia, and Sparta.
10. 490-476 B.C.
11.Thermopylae:Greeks lost. && Salamis: Persians lost
*Salamis: first naval battle
12. This placed an absolute limit on westward expansion in the Persian Empire.

Hellespont-where the people of Troy lived
Attica-prominent region of Greece
Peloponnesus-prominent region of Greece
Trojan War-1200 BC mycenaeans destroyed the city of Troy
Odysseus-main characted of Homer's Odyssey
Mt. Olympus-where the gods lived.
Heros-human characters who played important roles in Homer's poems
Achilles-invincible Greek warrior
Barbarian-people who did not speak Greek
Olympic Games-held every 4th year at Olympia in honor of Zeus
Olympaid-period between the Olympics
Darius I-New Persian king demanded Greeks to sumbit to him
Xerxes I- determined to Conquer Greece. Darius's son
Leonidas-Spartan leader
Themistocles-tricked Xerxes into fighting a naval battle in a narrow strait, between the
mainland and the island of Salamis.
Platea-Persians were defeated here.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Adventures in Ancient Greece

Jasmine: 6/6

8 Items Found In Athens:
-Young Boy
-Young Girls
- Acropolis
- The Pynx
- Olive Tree

8 Items Found In Sparta:
- Young Boy
- tree
- Trembler
- Solider
-Young girls
- Stealing
- Mountains

Mount Olympus quiz:

Study Guide Ch.6:Africa

Essay Questions:

1. Roads and railroads were constructed.

Hospitals were established. Schools founded.

Law and Order and new cities built.

2. Gospel, Food, Shelter, Education, and stable

civil government.

African Landscape:

Deserts: 2/5 of covered with it.

Sahara/Kalahari: Sahara-North. Kalahari-South

Savanna: land characterized by wet and dry seasons

covered by grasses and shrubs.

Atlas Mountain Range: africa's longets mountain range

Mt. Kilimanjaro-africa's tallest mountains.

Nile River-longest river

Lake Victoria-africa's largest lake

Great Rift Valley-largest rift in the earth's


African History

Began after the Flood.

Ebed Melech-famous Cushite && helped prophet Jeremiah

when he was cast into prison by King Zedekiah

Unamed Eithiopian-most famous Cushite in World History&&

treasurer for Queen Candance of Cush.

Eunuch-castrated man who helped the Queen.

Edesius-credited with bringing Christianity to Africa

Frumentius-first bishop of Ethiopian Christian Church.

Early Christianity in Africa

Alexandria, Egypt:home to Clement of Alexandria

Cyrene, Libya: Simon carried the cross for Jesus

Carthage, Tunisia: city of early church fathers Tertullian

and Cyprian.

Clement of Alexandria-wrote Shepherd of Tender Youth

African Trade

Sea Trade:
Africa-ivory, gold, and iron
Asians-silk, precious stones, and porcelain

Inland Trade:
Africa: slaves, gold, and ivory
Middle East: salt, copper, and dried fruits

Mali Empire:lasted from 1200-1500 AD modern day
Gambia, Guinea, Mali, and Senegal

Timbuktu: trading center for Mali Empire && famous center
for learning and culture

Songhai Empire: domin. West Africa in 1500s && monopolized
trade across the Sahara.

Explorations && Missions:
"The White Man's Grave": name for Africa during the 19th century

Mungo Park: explored Africa from 1805-1806 && traced most of the
Nile River

Hugh Clapperton: explored Africa 1822-1824. first European
to cross the Sahara Desert.

Alexander Laing: explored Africa from 1825-1826. first European
to reach Timbuktu.

Robert Moffatt: one of the first missionsaries to Africa. 1795-1883

David Livingstone: first European to see Victoria Falls. went missing.

Africa in Modern Times:

European Rule: by WWI only two African states were independent.
*Ethiopia and Libya

Progress: law and order. schools founded. roads/railroads constructed.
hospitals established. new cities built.

General Idi Amin: seixed power in Uganda. ruled until 1979.
devout muslim. killed as many as 300,000 people

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Kenya Photos

1.looking at artifacts
2.tribal dance
5. one of the lakes
6. design

  1. Achaeologist examine fossils found in Northern Kenya.
  2. Masai women reveal personal information with their jewelry.
  3. A tourist in Masai Mara observe two lions
  4. Founded in 1899, the capital of Kenya, Nairobi.
  5. Lake Victoria the largest lake in Africa
  6. Kenyan flag

Facts & Photos

a. Tell me about Kenya's geography/landscape.
-high terrains, by the Indian ocean and mt.
b. Where is Kenya? What's the capital?
-East Africa,Nairobi
c. What lies WEST of Nairobi?
-Great Rift Valley
d. Tell me about the animals in Kenya. What's set up to protect them?
-Elephants,lions,cheetahs etc. more than 50 reserves and parks
e. What 2 bodies of water is Kenya located between? How does this affect the culture there?
-Indian Ocean and Lake Victoria, created diverse cultures and many lang.
f. Significance of N. Kenya & Tanzania?
- may have been org. birthplace of humans
g. Tell me about slavery there in 1600s, 1700s, and 1800s.
-kidnapped by Arabs, Europeans, and Americans
h. How many languages/ethnic groups are there?
-60 lang. && 40 ethnic groups.
i. Tell me about the kids & school.
-School is free and many children are too
busy to go to school.
j. What are some important parts of Kenyan culture?
-music and storytelling
k. What's the current government of Kenya like?
-Republic with a president and national assembly
l. Official name? Form of Gov't? Population? Official Languages?
-Republic of Kenya. -Republic. -33,830,000 -Swahili and English

m. Money? Mountain Ranges? Major rivers?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Madagascar Mobile Game Demo && Glu Mobile Demo&& All of Africa

Mobile Game Demo:
Jasmine: 100%

The Mobile Game Demo was very
entertaining because the animals
keep talking to you. Also it placed
different obstacles in the way that
you have to manuever around. I
wouldn't mind playing this game again.
As a matter of fact, I think I will :)

Glu Mobile Demo:
Jasmine: 100%

This game will most definitely keep
you busy and you can put it on your
cell phone. Other than that, the Glu
Mobile Demo is fairly easy. I think
anyone would love this game.

All of Africa:
Christina: 100%
Jasmine: 100%

Taught us information that we didn't know before.
Intrigueing to find out the clue hints to the question.
Very difficult at first qhen it came down to the directions
when you first began. Overall it was okay to play.

Africa Map Game


Jasmine: 89 sec.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Africa Geography Game


Chapter 6.1

1. 2/5 && Sahara and Kalahari. &&
Sahara-Northwest and Kalahari-Southwest
&& Sahara
2. Atlas && Kilimanjaro
3.Lake Victoria && Nile
4. Great Rift Valley

1. Dark Continent: Africa; it wasn't explored
until the 19th century
2. Savanna: vast tracks of land characterized by
wet and dry seasons.
3. Lake Taganyika: world's longest and second
deepest lake.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Chapter 5: World History Study Guide

1. Sahara-worlds largets desert.
2. Nile-worlds largest river.
3. Egypt-northern corner of Africa called
the seedbed of African culture.
4. Mizraim-most ancient name of Egypt. && name
of one of Ham's sons. Gen. 10:6
5. Land of Ham: what the Bible called Egypt.
6. Nomes:small states in Egypt.
7. Pharoahs: strong rulers. divided nomes into
lower and upper egypt. (living gods)
8. Menes: first phraoh on United Egypt. United upper
and lower egypt. became known as Kingdom of
Two Lands.
9. The Gift of the Nile: Herdotus called Egypt.
*known as greek father of history
10. Hieroglyphics: Egyptian writing system
contains over 700 characters.
11. Book of the Dead: most important Egyptian
work. contains prayer, hymns, spells, and
other info to guide souls through the after life.
&& placed them in tombs.
12. Memphis: 12 miles south of Cairo. nothing remains
of the city except two granite coloss. and one alabaster
13. Thebes: nothing remains of the city except the vast hecropolis.
&& "city of the dead" (one big cementary)
14. Necropolis: means "city of the dead"
15. Pyramid: symbolizes egyptian gov. && used as a tomb
-pharoah, priest and officials, and everyone else
16. Monarchy: one leader
17. theocracy: rule by God.
*Monarchy && Theocracy: dominated by the "god-king" Pharoah.
18. Humanism: worshipping man. (Pharoah)
19. Naturalism: worship forces of nature
20. Polytheism: believing in thousands of gods and goddesses.
21. Egyptian tombs: used for the afterlife. && a man spent basically
his whole life preparing for his afterlife affairs. early pharoahs
built huge stone pyramids to serves as house of eternity for their
mortal remains.
22. Great Pyramid: one of the wonders of the world. took 100,000
workers and 20 years to construct this pyramid.
*once finished: covered 13 acres, 2.3 million block of stone, was 480 ft. high
23. King Tut: one of the worlds greatest archaeological discoveries
*Howard Carter 1922
* teenage pharoah who died at 18
24. Mummification: preservation of bodies of the dead. huge tombs and
pyramids were used as caskets.
25. 30 Dynasties: how ancient egyptian history is divided.
26. Old Kingdom: dyn=3-6 && 3 imp. monarchs: Cheops, khafre, Menkaure
26. Pyramids at Giza: built by Cheops, Khafre, && Menkaure
27. Great Sphinx: head of man body of a lion. && looks like Khafre
28. Middle Kingdom: dyn.=11. King Mentuhotep I est. capital at Thebes.
* around the time Abraham was living.
29. King Menuhote I: king of the middle kingdom
30. Hyksos: Asiatic warriors conquered the Middle Kingdom.
31. Ahmose I: king of the New Kingdom.
32. New Kingdom: dyn=18-20
33. Hatshepshut: only female pharoah && may have been Moses' mom.
34. Amenhotep II: Thutmose III's son. &&Amenhotep may have been
pharoah during the Exodus.
35. Later New Kingdom- Ramses II most outstanding Egyptian monarch
36. RamsesII- uler of the later new kngdom
37.Alexander The Great- conquered Egypt 332 BC
38. Alexandria- became most imp. city in Alexanders empire
39. Lighthouse of Alexandria- 1 of the wonders of the ancient world 440-foot high marble tower with a fire burning pitch and a giant reflective mirror. the light house could cast its light 35mi. across the sea

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


a.Mummification Process Exhibition
-Jasmine && Christina:6/6&& 6/6

b. Canopic Jars Exhibition
-Christina && Jasmine:4/4&&4/4

c. The Weighing of the Heart
-Christina && Jasmine:both 100%
d. Sarcophagi Chamber

-Jasmine && Christina:both 100%

Christina Bell- Really instersting to do. I enjoyed them all, last one the favorite.Learned new info. about Egypt.I will tell my friends about this game.

Jasmine Blunt- I enjoyed learning new things about Egypt. The games were really easy and self explanatory. This is most definitely going on my favorite game list :)

FACTS 1-17

a.What do Nile crocodiles resemble? What do they feed on?
-armor tanks && young crocs: insects and small fish
b. How does the male croc get the female croc's attention?
-he bellows and splashes water to get her attention.
c. Where does the female lay her eggs?
-riverbank, shoreline, or dry streambed
d. How many eggs does she deposit? Does she watch them?
-25-80 && yes.
e. How do the mom & dad croc know when the baby crocs are ready to hatch?
-young cros sends out a high pitched sound
f. Where does mom bring them once they hatch?
-to the water
g. How do crocs control their temperature?
-by basking in the sun during the day
h. What's the scientific name for crocodile? How long can they grow?
-crocodylus nicolticus && 20 feet.
i. How long can they live? What kind of feet do they have?
-80 years. && webbed.
j. Where do Nile crocs live?
k. How can you tell an alligator from a crocodile?
l. What do crocs use their tails for?
-propel through water
m. What do crocs eat? (mammals)
-wildebeast, hyneans, baboons, && impala.
n. What type of huge prey do crocs kill?
-hippos, giraffes, lions, && occasionally humans.
o. Tell me about a croc's brain.
-most highly developed brain of all reptiles.
p. How do stones aid in digestion for crocs?
-helps them digest their food

Photos in Egypt

Our Guesses:
Photo 1-Oil Ships
Photo 2- in market
Photo 3 - pretty camel in desert
Photo 4 - the city
Photo 5 - baptizing
Photo 6 - flag

The Right Caption:
Photo 1-large ships steam through the Suez Canal
Photo 2- shoppers shopping in an open-air market
Photo 3 - camels by the Pyramid of Giza
Photo 4 - crowed Cairo, Egypt has more than 18 million people
Photo 5 - Two women filling their jugs with water from the Nile River.
Photo 6 - Egyptian flag

Facts & Photos

a. Tell me about rainfall in Egypt, and the importance of the Nile River.
-in a yr.,w/out Nile Egypt will be desert
b. Egypt is divided into what 2 sections?
-Upper and Lower Egypt
c. Tell me about Northern & Southern Egypt.
-Southern contains low mt. & Upper contains valleys
d. Egypt is home to which animals? Which plants?
-animals:cheetahs, hyenans, crocodiles, cobras. &&
oases, deserts, mountains, wetlands, river islands,
and coastal island.
e. What did the Egyptians leave paintings & carvings of?
-large animals
f. Civilization was established by what year? How long ago did they settle there?
-3000bc. est.8000 yrs. ago
g. when did Lower & Upper Egypt unite?

h. When did Egypt fall under Roman control? When did Muslims take over Egypt?
i. Who invaded Egypt in 1882? What did they want? When did Egypt declare independence?
-British, Suez Canal,1952
j. 90 percent of Egyptians are what religion?

k. Why is overcrowding a problem in Egypt today?
-puts a strain in Egypt's resources

l. Why are children highly valued in their culture?
- To help on the farms and take care of their parents in old age
m. What type of gov't is Egypt today?
-democratic republic
n. What is Egypt's largest single source of foreign income? Why do you think that is?
-tourism && ppl like to see the Great Pyramids and Sphinx

o. What is the official name of Egypt?
-Arab Republic of Egypt
p. What is the capital of Egypt?

q. What is the population/official language of Egypt?
r. What's the currency in Egypt? (Money)
-Egyptian pound

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Mummy Question && Paragraphs

Ancient Egyptian history spans how many centuries?
-30 CENT.
What did the people believe Pharaoh was?
How did they "achieve immortality"?
by mummification

What was embalming?
- Your dead body is collected and cleaned.
Who did the embalming?
What role did linen, your body,
the priest, natron salt, canopic jars,
tools, and oils play in the
embalming process?
-linen:wrapped your body
-your body:being preserved
-the priest:makes the long cut
along the left side of your
-natron salt:used to preserve the body.
-canopic jars:the organs were stored
-tools:used to remove the organs
-oils: used to preserve.

C. "Organs Removed"
Which organs were removed?
-liver, lungs, stomach and intestines
What did they do with them?
- canopic jars

D. "Get Stuffed"
What does "Get Stuffed" refer to?
-after the natron salt dries out your
skin they stuff the empty spaces where
your organs used to be
What did they stuff you with?
-filled with sawdust, rags and chaff.

Tomb Bound-
What did they do to get your body ready for the tomb?
- wraped you in 20 layers of linen bandages
What was involved in bandaging the body?
- Resin is used to glue the bandages together. Once completely wrapped in bandages, you are wrapped in two special large shrouds secured with linen strips.

What might be placed in your tomb if you were rich?
-all your treasure and gold

F. "Coffins Etc"
Tell me about Ancient Egyptian coffins.
-they were usually wooden coffins.
What went in the coffins with the body?
- Make sure that they have pictures of the
gods and the correct spells painted on them
to protect you. Of course, they should also
have plenty of hieroglyphs singing your
praises written on them.
What went in the tomb with the coffin?
-the tools they mummified you with.

G."Your Funeral"
What did an Ancient Egyptian funeral look like?
-You will be buried on the western side of the river,
where the sun sets.
Tell me about the procession.
-Your coffin is taken there by boat and is then placed
on a sledge and pulled to your tomb. A priest leads a procession
of mourners, followed by bearers carrying food offerings and all
the objects you will need in the afterlife.

G. "Eternal Rest"
- Tell me about tomb raiders.
- raided tombs and if caught tortured
What do they do and what do they want?
broke in to steal the treasures.

  • Christina=->I learned that it took 20 layers of bandages to rape the mummy. That if tomb raiders were caught they would face probably death. I didnt know that they stuffed the mummy with all different kinds of spices and that it was a 70 day process. They way they demostrated the mummy laying visually got my attention b/c they showed you it step-by-step.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Chapter 5 Section Review 3 && Identify

1. Old, Middle, && New.
2. Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure
&& art and architecture
3. King Mentuhotep I && When Abraham
and his family entered Egypt in search
of food.
4. Ahmose I && to erase the remebrance of
the hated domination of Egypt.
5. Hatsheput
6. Egypt restablished its own empire in Asia during this period.
&& Thutmose III && It may have been the pharoah during the
Hebrew Exodus.
7. He seized control of the Suez Canal. Which created an international
crisis involving Egypt, Israel, Britain, France, && the United States.
8. Anwar el Sadat && Negotiated with Israel's prime minister.

1. Giza-Three largest pyramids are located.
2. Great Sphinx-head of a man and body of a lion.
3. Twelfth Dynasty-kings established their capital at Thebes.
4. Hyksos-shepherd kings or rulers of foreign countries.
5. Ramses II-most outstanding monarch
6. Alexandria- became the most important city in Alexander's empire.
7. Septuagint-the Old Testament translated into Greek
8. Ptolemy-he established the Hellenistic dynasty.
9. Cairo-became the center the center of Egyptian life
and one of ther great cities of the Arab world.
10. Suez Canal- Nassar seized it creating an international crisis.
11. Hosni Mubarak-under his rule Israel completed its withdrawal
from the Sinai Peninsula.

Ancient Egypt - walk the plank" game && Modern China

Jasmine:10/10 && 6/10


Friday, September 11, 2009

Chapter 5 Review. 5.1 && 5.2 and Identify


1.Africa && Sahara && Nile

2.Mediterranean Sea, Sahara, and Red Sea.

3. Mizraim

4. culture diffusion.

5. Upper and Lower. && Menes.

6. Nile River && Nile Delta

7. Egypt was the greatest and most magnificent

power of the ancient world.

8. It made the soil really fertile was used for their

way life.

9.Napolean invaded Egypt in 1798, his men found a

broken slab of black basalt. It was the Rosetta Stone.

Frenchman Jean Champollion.

10.Memphis && Thebes.

11. Pyramid && Social Arragement. Pharoah=Top.

Nobles=Middle && Slaves=bottom.

12. They, believed in everything-hmanists,naturalistic,&polytheistic.

When it came to human immortality their belief was to give the now died everything they willl need in the after life. To wrapping them in mummy form too exqusite treasures.


  • Isthmus of Suez-What once used to sep. Africa and Asia
  • Copts-Hamitic people who blended w/ Semitic and Japethic ppl. of Med. world
  • Nomes- small states
  • Herodotus- "Father Of History"
  • Nile Delta- plain of fertile soil which the Nile formed
  • Hieroglyphics- Egyptian writing form
  • Book Of the Dead- the book placed in tombs to help protect the spirits of the dead
  • Necropolis- "city of the dead", loc. on the west bank of the Nile
  • Great Pyramid of Cheops- at Giza, reamains one of the wonders of the world
  • Tutankhamen- a teenage pharaoh who died at the age of 18
  • Mummification- the preservation of the bodies of the dead

Daily Life In Ancient Egypt

Daily Life in Ancient EgypT:

  • Christina:6/12: Crafty Cat
  • Jasmine:10/12 : Phenonemal Pharoah

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Temple Stores Game



World of Nakht-Amun Game.

Jasmine: 10/10
Christina: 10/10

Nakht-Amun's home is in an Egyptian village
on the banks of the Nile River. The village was
located in the Valley of the Kings and Deir el-Medina.
It was on hill to aviod the Nile flooding. Modern Egypt
has built dams so the Nile does not flood anymore.

Rich children started school between the ages of
five to ten years old. Children who did not want
to do the lessons were punished. Boys who often
ran away had their legs tied to together and sometimes
they were beaten. Lessons were written in ink on broken
stone or pottery. Scribes taught their own sons and larger
groups while at temples and palaces ran out and taught
their own classes

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Egyptian Tomb Adventure [9-9-09]

a. What is a "stela"?
- It tells you what sort of person is in the tomb.
b. What type of writing did Ancient Egyptians use?
-Ancient Egyptians used a writing called hieroglyphs.
c. Once you decipher the hieroglyphs, what does it spell?
-It spelled PRIEST.
d. Once you descend into the tomb, what do you find?
-Statues, Jars, && a Coffin.
e. What do the statues represent?
-Statues represent the ancient gods.
f. Describe the gods of the Ancient Egyptians.
-The were based on animals.
g. What are the "canopic" jars? What's in them?
-The canopic jars are used to store the person's
h. What is the coffin made of?
-The coffin is made of wood.
i. Jasmine- This game was really interesting. It keep my attention
the whole time. Also it gives you that virtual feeling like you're really
there. I did enjoy playing this game.
Christina-I really enjoyed this game. I was real impressed with the the mummy wraping. Learning the artifacts was real intrigueing. Matching the figures with the questions were a little bit hard. Overall I really enjoyed learning from this game.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Chapter 3/4 Study Guide

What was the first empire to rule after Sumer?
-Old Babylon
Who was Hammurabi?
-King of old Babylon,did the code of laws
What is the Babylonian Genesis/Enuma Elish?
-works of lit. composed at this time
Who were the Hittites? Why are they important?
-from asia manor first to use iron as weapons
4.1 -
What is the highest place in Asia? Lowest?
peake of Mt Everest, Dead Sea
Name the 3 main rivers in Asia.
-Hwang Ho, Tigris and Eurphratees,Indus
Why is India called a “subcontinent”?
-Distincly separated from Asia.
Name the 3 major land regions in India.
-Northern Plains. -Deccan Plateau.
-Indus River Valley.
4.5 -
What are the names of the 4 islands that make up the nation of Japan?
-Shikoku. Hokkaido. Kynushu. Honshu.
What’s Japan’s famous mountain called?
-Mt. Fuji
Who were the earliest inhabitants of Japan?
What is Shinto?
-oldest religion

Friday, September 4, 2009

Step Back in Time, Spot The Mistakes, Mix N Match, Japan Puzzle and Pictures of Japan. Write 3 sentences about EACH game :)

Step Back In Time:
  • Christina Bell-590pt.
  • Jasmine Blunt-590
---- We truly enjoyed this game. This one by fore was truly the best learning the different fashions really let us no that the Edo Period had excellent style. Getting the thief was the best level of all the 4.

Spot The Mistakes:
  • Christina:3/3
  • Jasmine:3/3

----We thought the game was Okay, diffently not as intresting as the first one.The second challenge was probably the most intresting. Overall the game gave us insight we had know idea of.

Mix N Match:

  • Christina: 8/8
  • Jasmine:8/8

----A learning experience for the both of us. New facts that told about each character, and great for anyone intrested in these fields. A wonderful way to get active in learning.

Japanese Puzzle:

  • Christina: 100%
  • Jasmine: 100%

----- Another way to learn about Japan. Difficult at first learning how to link the pieces at first, but easy by the end. Diffently a reliable source when it comes to studying a little bit about Japan.

Pictures Of Japan:

  • Christina:100%
  • Jasmine: 100%

----- Ver very very amusing!!!! Nice to have a rewind to childhood for coloring purpose. A wonderful game to enjoy learning the different ways to color in objects. Fit for a yonger age group to enjoy and experience.

a. What is Sumo?
-Two people are wearing nothing but a
mawashi (loincloth) , they face each other
in a dohyo (circular ring), and push, grapple,
and try to throw each other.
b. How did wrestlers win at SUMO?
-The wrestler who pushes his oppenent
to the ground or out of the ring is the WINNER!
c. When did SUMO start?
-Developed many centuries ago to its present
form to 1603-1863.
d. What's the day in the life of a SUMO wrestler like?
-Wrestlers live in a stable. The stable also houses the
stable masters, hairdressers, referees, ushers, and a
retired wrestler. SUMO wrestlers wake up from their
stable at 5:00 a.m. and train hard in hope of moving
up the ranks.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

World Exploration && Photo Analysis Challenge Game.

World Exploration:




- How intersting it was to discover new information about the world. Learn new countries flags and the colors on them. Learning what island nations are by each other.Having the information given after you answered the answer gave you more insight.Thats what we got out of this game experince.

Photo Analysis Challenge:




-We loved finding out the different items that were missing from the pictures. Mine had to do with a mid-day street scene where it took me a lil while to figure out the different pieces. Still fun in all, you have to have aexcellent eye to find them. Jasmine had a differnt scence then mine it was dealing with hte night life. Where she had to find small objects that contained like a backpack. Still in all she did better then me with the time remaning.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


*What's in the Photo:


-Christina: 7/10


-What's in the Photo is a great game to play in order to learn about what's

being used in Japan. The things they might use like a bag to carry their

books in is very similar to what we might call a backpack. During this game,

it flashes a picture and you have about 15 seconds to pick from the choices

what you think the object is used for. When you complete the game it's only

like 10 questions. Finally, we liked this game because it gives you the ability

to learn about another culture while having fun.

*Gesture Game:




-The Gesture Game shows different gestures that you

might see while walking down a street in Japan. In order

to answer pick one of the answer choices on the right.

Then the people show different animations which will

eventually tell you if the answer is right. Your complete

score will be shown at the end.

*Hiragana Picture Matching Game:



Have you ever wondered what different Japanese

symbols meant? Well the Hiragana Picture Matching

Game is the perfect game for you! First a picture pops

up. Then different symbols circle around the picture.

Next to drag and drop different symbols onto the

pictures until you finally get it right. Yess, this game

does involve trial and error but its worth it. Who knows

you might even be able to write and recognize a few

Japanese symbols after you've finished playing this game.

*Japanese Celebrations:



- Very instresting to note how the different traditions work. Finding out what kind of different
children holidays there was really excited us b/c we really love kids. Getting to know all the i
information about the festivals gave us details we never known before. Having the choice to
choose either easy are hard, let us no that they really want us to learned about Japan's cultural.
Japan is full of wonderful experience, and someday we hope to be able to see one of these
festivals in person!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Chapter 4 Section Review 1

1. Tigris-Euphrates. Indus. && Hwang Ho.
2.1/3 of the Earth's land. && 1/2 of the population.
3. Mountains, Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean, and Bay of
Bengal. && Himalayan Mountain, Northern Plains,
and Deccan Plateau.
4.Hinduism-India's religion. && caste system-social arrangement.
5. Mauryas
6. Siddartha Gautama. && Burma, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tibet,
Japan, and parts of China, Korea, and Southeast Asia.
7. Guptas.
8. Mogul Empire.
9.British East India Company.
10. William Carey.
11. Burmese language. && enlarging India's
irrigation system anc constructing railroads.
12. Mahatma Ghandi && Jawaharal Nehru.
13. Indira Gandhi && Rajiv Ghandi
14. Algebra. && chemical principles in dye cloth,
tan leather, and manufacture soap and iron.

-Mount Everest: highest mountain. && in Asia.
-Dead Sea: lowest point on Earth.
-Indus Valley Civilization: India's first civilization.
-Aryans:hordes of fierce barbarians who invaded
India from the northwest.
-Dravidians: overwhelmed by the Aryans.
-Asoka: ruler of the Maurya Empire.
-Taj Mahal:built by a Mogul Emperor as a tomb
for his wife.
-Pakistan: it became two stated in 1947. India became independent.
-Bangladesh: East Pakistan became.
-Hindustani: official language of the modern Pakistains.
-Sepoy Rebellion: Indians revolted against British in 1857.
-Adoniram Judson: father of American Missions.