Monday, November 30, 2009

Christina and Jasmine Ch. 13 Online Blog Test

Chapter 13 Review
1.Celts-earliest known inhabitants of the British Isles.
2.Jutes, Angles,Saxons- conq. celts around 5th cent.
5.Alfred the Great- 1st great king of England
8.Harold Godwin- prec. in the Battle of Hasting
9.William the Conquer-won the Battle of Hasting
19.Joan Of Arc- Hepled unite France
25.Hugh Capet- began the Capetian line of french kings
26.Louis XI- strengthen power in the Ile De France
28.Louis IX-Philip grandson, pious king
30.Boniface VIII- he was the pope whom Philip IV
33.Ferinand and Isabella- sent Col. to sail the ocean blue
39.Marco Polo-son of a Italian Merchant,and went w/ father on trip to China
42.Christopher Columbus- Found Amer., sent on voyage to Indies

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