Monday, November 2, 2009

Chapter 12 Section Review && Identify

1.Ownership and the use of land
2. Lord:owned the land and vassal.
Vassal:worked the land and was
in the lord's army.
3. drawbridge,fortified dwellings,towers,
and watchmen. && moat
4.jousts:two knights fought to knock each other off
their horses.
tournaments:groups of knights fought a mock battle
5.serfs:peasants && They were both poor and they worked for the lord.
6. Truce of God && Peace of God

feudalism:way of life based upom ownership of land
king:top of the feudal system.
crown land: king's personal land.
knight:heavily armed warriors
chivalry:code of conduct for nobility and knights
heraldry:identfication for each family
manor:estate that belongs to the nobles
desemne:where serfs had to work. two or three days a week.

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