Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Ch. 13 Section Review 1 && Identify

1.England, France, Spain, and Portugal
2.Celts && Anglo Saxons
3.Angles, Saxons, and Jutes
4.Augustine && 664
5.They had the Bible in their own language
6.Alfred the Great && Allowed all able bodied
men to served in the army, complied and English
code of law, and he promoted learning.
7.William the Conqueror && Oct.14,1066
8.He was out to increase his own power &&
He brought fuedalism to England full force, required
all vassals to swear allegiance to him, and illegal for
a lord to build a fortified castle without a license.
9.Began to speak French and political results
10.Henry I, established the Exchequer and issued his
Charter of Liberties

England-one of the four great nations
Scops-chanted long poems to their tribal chiefs
Beowulf-greatest Saxon poem
Archbishop of Canterbury-the most influential church office
in England
Danes-group of Vikings
Dane law-Danes were confined to the northeastern portion of
London-important town
Canute the Dane-became the King of England
Harold Godwin-powerful king of England
Norman Conquest-William's victory at the Battle of Hastings
census-a count of people and property
Doomsday Book-day of judgement

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