Monday, November 9, 2009

Chapter 12 Study Guide

feudalism-a way of life based on the ownership and use of land
fief-a piece of land
lord-owner of the land
vassal-worked the land and fought in the lord's army
knight-heavily armed warriors
chivalry-code of conduct for nobility and knights
heraldry-colorful unique emblems, symbols, and designs displayed on
armor, shields, and banners
castle-heavily fortified dwellings built by nobles surrounded by a moat
joust-two knights fough to knock each other of their horses
tournament-groups of knights fought a mock battle that lasted an entire day
manor-estates that beling to the nobles
serf-farmers that worked on the manors
Truce of God-the church forbade fighting from Friday-Sunday on each week
Peace of God-priests denied sacraments to persons who robbed churches, took
a serf's property, or killed a non combantant during battle
burg-community of a traveling merchant
middle class-between nobility and peasants
trade fair-merchants from all over come to trade && became all
the rage in Europe
guild-consisted of merchants, artisans, and craftsman
black death-form of Bubonic Plague
Chaucer-wrote Canterbury Tales
trivium-part of Medieval curriculum. *grammar, rhetoric, and logic
quadrivium- Arithrmetic, Music, geometry, astronomy
scholasticism-theology (roman Catholic StyLE)+ Greek phil.(Aristloe)
Brethren of the Common Life-Christian group founded gerhard groote in 1380
humanism-intese interests in the subject of humanities
patron- ppl. who used their own money to support art
Sistine Chapel- MichelAngelos most famous painting spent 4 yrs. working on it
Medicis- powerful and influental family of Florentine
Thomas Aquinas-called a "dumb ox", but had a brilliant mind
William of Ockham-educated at Oxford. && said Bible was the ultimate
John Wycliffe-"morning star of the reformation" && thought Pope's claim
of absolute authority was wrong.
John Huss-follower of Hussite. && Roman church condemned him and burned
him at the stake.
Gerhard Groote-
Dante-wrote Divine Comedy. && one of the few pieces of Medieval literature
that is still ready today.
Petrarch-father of humanism
Bocaccio-wrote "The Decameron"
Michelangelo-"Renaissance Man" most famous paintings would be Sistine Chapel and The Last Supper && He was supported by the Medici Family.
Machiavelli-wrote "The Prince"
Giotto-Famous Artist of the Italian Renaissance
DaVinci-Famous Artist of the Italian Renaissance &&
painted the Mona Lisa
Prague-Famous Artist of the Italian Renaissance

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