Monday, November 30, 2009

Jasmine and Christina Blog Test

Who were the earliest known inhabitants of the British Isles?
What were the dates of the Hundred Years’ War?
Which Germanic tribe conquered Spain in the 5th century?
Which name did the Romans give to Spain?
These were Muslims from North Africa who invaded Spain:
What does “reconquista” mean?
Name 4 nations that developed in Europe during the Middle Ages.
-Ebgland, France, Spain, and Portugal
What is the name of the monument in Southern England that may have been an ancient Celtic worship site?
Which Germanic tribe named England?
Which Anglo-Saxon poet lived in the 7th century? (Hint: There’s a Christian band named after him)
Who was crowned king of France in 987 AD?
-Hugh capet
Which French king was St. Louis, MO named after?
-Louis IX
What was the French Estates-General composed of? (List them out)
-Clergy,nobles,and commoners
Which peninsula is Spain located on?
Name 3 Germanic tribes.
-Celts, Greeks, and Carthaginians
Which countries fought during the Hundred Years’ War? Who won?
-France and England && England won.

Christina and Jasmine Ch. 13 Online Blog Test

Chapter 13 Review
1.Celts-earliest known inhabitants of the British Isles.
2.Jutes, Angles,Saxons- conq. celts around 5th cent.
5.Alfred the Great- 1st great king of England
8.Harold Godwin- prec. in the Battle of Hasting
9.William the Conquer-won the Battle of Hasting
19.Joan Of Arc- Hepled unite France
25.Hugh Capet- began the Capetian line of french kings
26.Louis XI- strengthen power in the Ile De France
28.Louis IX-Philip grandson, pious king
30.Boniface VIII- he was the pope whom Philip IV
33.Ferinand and Isabella- sent Col. to sail the ocean blue
39.Marco Polo-son of a Italian Merchant,and went w/ father on trip to China
42.Christopher Columbus- Found Amer., sent on voyage to Indies

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Ch. 13 Section Review 1 && Identify

1.England, France, Spain, and Portugal
2.Celts && Anglo Saxons
3.Angles, Saxons, and Jutes
4.Augustine && 664
5.They had the Bible in their own language
6.Alfred the Great && Allowed all able bodied
men to served in the army, complied and English
code of law, and he promoted learning.
7.William the Conqueror && Oct.14,1066
8.He was out to increase his own power &&
He brought fuedalism to England full force, required
all vassals to swear allegiance to him, and illegal for
a lord to build a fortified castle without a license.
9.Began to speak French and political results
10.Henry I, established the Exchequer and issued his
Charter of Liberties

England-one of the four great nations
Scops-chanted long poems to their tribal chiefs
Beowulf-greatest Saxon poem
Archbishop of Canterbury-the most influential church office
in England
Danes-group of Vikings
Dane law-Danes were confined to the northeastern portion of
London-important town
Canute the Dane-became the King of England
Harold Godwin-powerful king of England
Norman Conquest-William's victory at the Battle of Hastings
census-a count of people and property
Doomsday Book-day of judgement

Monday, November 9, 2009

Chapter 12 Study Guide

feudalism-a way of life based on the ownership and use of land
fief-a piece of land
lord-owner of the land
vassal-worked the land and fought in the lord's army
knight-heavily armed warriors
chivalry-code of conduct for nobility and knights
heraldry-colorful unique emblems, symbols, and designs displayed on
armor, shields, and banners
castle-heavily fortified dwellings built by nobles surrounded by a moat
joust-two knights fough to knock each other of their horses
tournament-groups of knights fought a mock battle that lasted an entire day
manor-estates that beling to the nobles
serf-farmers that worked on the manors
Truce of God-the church forbade fighting from Friday-Sunday on each week
Peace of God-priests denied sacraments to persons who robbed churches, took
a serf's property, or killed a non combantant during battle
burg-community of a traveling merchant
middle class-between nobility and peasants
trade fair-merchants from all over come to trade && became all
the rage in Europe
guild-consisted of merchants, artisans, and craftsman
black death-form of Bubonic Plague
Chaucer-wrote Canterbury Tales
trivium-part of Medieval curriculum. *grammar, rhetoric, and logic
quadrivium- Arithrmetic, Music, geometry, astronomy
scholasticism-theology (roman Catholic StyLE)+ Greek phil.(Aristloe)
Brethren of the Common Life-Christian group founded gerhard groote in 1380
humanism-intese interests in the subject of humanities
patron- ppl. who used their own money to support art
Sistine Chapel- MichelAngelos most famous painting spent 4 yrs. working on it
Medicis- powerful and influental family of Florentine
Thomas Aquinas-called a "dumb ox", but had a brilliant mind
William of Ockham-educated at Oxford. && said Bible was the ultimate
John Wycliffe-"morning star of the reformation" && thought Pope's claim
of absolute authority was wrong.
John Huss-follower of Hussite. && Roman church condemned him and burned
him at the stake.
Gerhard Groote-
Dante-wrote Divine Comedy. && one of the few pieces of Medieval literature
that is still ready today.
Petrarch-father of humanism
Bocaccio-wrote "The Decameron"
Michelangelo-"Renaissance Man" most famous paintings would be Sistine Chapel and The Last Supper && He was supported by the Medici Family.
Machiavelli-wrote "The Prince"
Giotto-Famous Artist of the Italian Renaissance
DaVinci-Famous Artist of the Italian Renaissance &&
painted the Mona Lisa
Prague-Famous Artist of the Italian Renaissance

Monday, November 2, 2009

Middle Ages [10 Pictures]

Chapter 12 Section Review && Identify

1.Ownership and the use of land
2. Lord:owned the land and vassal.
Vassal:worked the land and was
in the lord's army.
3. drawbridge,fortified dwellings,towers,
and watchmen. && moat
4.jousts:two knights fought to knock each other off
their horses.
tournaments:groups of knights fought a mock battle
5.serfs:peasants && They were both poor and they worked for the lord.
6. Truce of God && Peace of God

feudalism:way of life based upom ownership of land
king:top of the feudal system.
crown land: king's personal land.
knight:heavily armed warriors
chivalry:code of conduct for nobility and knights
heraldry:identfication for each family
manor:estate that belongs to the nobles
desemne:where serfs had to work. two or three days a week.