Wednesday, August 26, 2009

TWO paragraph summary on Indus Valley Game

Christina && Jasmine-
We really enjoyed the adventure game. It was exciting to find out new and different things i have never known before. The artifact findings was one that most insterest me. Learning the different types of objects gave me more insite on the civilazation. It was truly the figurines that i was most inpresses by, by learning what material it is made of.

When the game first begun seeing the different places on the map where everything was really gave me a visual understanding of the Indus Valley. Knowing that the way bricks were made in their including the material used is just like today, let me know that society has kept some of it old ways.The Proffessor that is on the game is very slow when he is walking but instesting when it comes to the information. I also learned that their drain system is like ours by they having capped drains as well. Last but not least, I learned that “Mohenjo-Daro” means "Mound of the Dead."

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