Monday, August 17, 2009


a. What is known as the "Cradle of Civilization"?
b. Where did these civilizations develop?
-B/tween Tigris & Euphrates
c. Recorded history in Iraq began with what group?
d. What did the Mesopotamians build to collect water?
e. Name 2 Mesopotamian cities.
f. What did crop surpluses do?
-Population to expand and society to flourish
g. Who lived at the temple?
-Officals, entertainers,craftsmen,&priest
h. What was a "ziggurat"?
-Holy tower w/ spriling ramps
i. What were kings revered as?
-Representatives of the gods on Earth
j. What is "cuneiform"?
-The first written language
k. What did they write on their clay tablets? (They kept records of what?)
-Transaction records of commodities: sheep and grain
l. What was the "Epic of Gilgamesh"?
-First major literary work
m. Describe the "hanging gardens" of Babylon.
-Famous throughout the western world as an ancient wonder
n. Who was King Hammurabi? What was Hammurabi's Code?
-Left his mark with a collection of laws. - Defined private property as
well as legal decisions between crimes, family disputes, and commerce.
o. What did Mesopotamia leave a legacy of?
-Law. -Engineering. -Literature.

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