Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Chapter 3 [Section Review 2]

1. Canaan, Palestine, and Israel.

2. Israel and Judah.

3.The three greatest monotheistic relegions emerged.




4. Ten Commandments.

5. To become a theocracy, a nation ruled by God.

6. Phoenicians

7. David && Solomon.

8. David established the capital at Jerusalem.

Solomon constructed the Lord's Temple in his

own palace.

9. 70 A.D.


1.Abraham:father of the great nations

2.Patriarchs:founding fathers on the nation of Israel.

3.Moses:one of the greatest men in world history.

4.covenant:solemn agreement.

5. theocracy:a nation ruled by God.

6. alphabet:a phonetic system of writing in which

letters are used to represent sounds rather than

things or ideas.

7. Mt.Sinai: where Moses recieved the Ten Commandments.

8. Sinai script:first true alphabet

9. literacy: the ablity to read and write one's own language.

10. 721 B.C.-Northern Kingdom fell to Assyrians.

11. 586 B.C.-Southern Kingdom fell to Babylon.

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