Monday, August 24, 2009

Section Review && Identify [pg. 27]

Section Review 1:
1. place value notations
2. Hammurabi's Code of Law
3. Hittites
4. Shalmaneser V. and Sargon II
5. Ashurbanipal and Nineveh
6. Nabopalassar. Nebuchadnezzar. 586 B.C
7. Cyrus the Great. He was telling the Jews
to go back to Judah.
8. Darius I and Xerxes I. Darius.
9. Ahasuerus and Artaxerxes I
10. The Persian's ruler was under the law.
They had a much higher regard for their sanctity.

1. The first empire to rule the Middle East after Sumer.
2. King and established the Old Babylonian Empire.
3.Enuma Elish was Babylonian's mathematical genius.
4. Justice is the use of authrity or power to uphold
what is right, just, or lawful.
5. Tiglath-Pileser I-Assyria's first great monarch.
6. Chaldeans-overthrew the Assyrian Empire in 600 B.C.
7.Hanging Garden of Babylon-what Babylon was famous
for also considered one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient
8. Daniel-one of the Jews taken captive by the Babylonians
and wrote the Book of Daniel.
9.Zoroastrianism-pagan form of religion what Persian kings practiced.

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