Monday, August 31, 2009

Asia Map Match Game

Christina-173 seconds

Jasmine-105 seconds

World Capitals Game



Thursday, August 27, 2009

Taj Mahal

Where is the Taj Mahal?

-Uttar Pradesh and Agra India

When was it built?


Who built it?

-Emperor Shahan Jahran

Why was it built?

-Tomb for his "favorite" wife.

What materials was it constructed from?

-bearing masonry and inlaid marble.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

TWO paragraph summary on Indus Valley Game

Christina && Jasmine-
We really enjoyed the adventure game. It was exciting to find out new and different things i have never known before. The artifact findings was one that most insterest me. Learning the different types of objects gave me more insite on the civilazation. It was truly the figurines that i was most inpresses by, by learning what material it is made of.

When the game first begun seeing the different places on the map where everything was really gave me a visual understanding of the Indus Valley. Knowing that the way bricks were made in their including the material used is just like today, let me know that society has kept some of it old ways.The Proffessor that is on the game is very slow when he is walking but instesting when it comes to the information. I also learned that their drain system is like ours by they having capped drains as well. Last but not least, I learned that “Mohenjo-Daro” means "Mound of the Dead."

Indus Valley Questions

  • Between-2600&1900BC.
  • Pakistan, India&parts of Afghanistan
  • Disc. over 2000 sett.
  • Lothal
  • Harappa
  • Mound of the dead Nohenjo-Daro
  • Aerial
  • Its is the longest&widest street in Mohenjo Daro
  • Foundations, Lower walls,large buildings, drains and wells
  • Yes fresh drinking water
  • To drain away water from city
  • Figurine, set of weights,metal plate, terracotta tablet,seal,model cart,figurine,necklace


Kiana Orca Preserve:

Hopping through History:

History Galactica
Christina: 5

Brick Buster's History Game:
Christina: 10

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Chapter 3 [Section Review 2]

1. Canaan, Palestine, and Israel.

2. Israel and Judah.

3.The three greatest monotheistic relegions emerged.




4. Ten Commandments.

5. To become a theocracy, a nation ruled by God.

6. Phoenicians

7. David && Solomon.

8. David established the capital at Jerusalem.

Solomon constructed the Lord's Temple in his

own palace.

9. 70 A.D.


1.Abraham:father of the great nations

2.Patriarchs:founding fathers on the nation of Israel.

3.Moses:one of the greatest men in world history.

4.covenant:solemn agreement.

5. theocracy:a nation ruled by God.

6. alphabet:a phonetic system of writing in which

letters are used to represent sounds rather than

things or ideas.

7. Mt.Sinai: where Moses recieved the Ten Commandments.

8. Sinai script:first true alphabet

9. literacy: the ablity to read and write one's own language.

10. 721 B.C.-Northern Kingdom fell to Assyrians.

11. 586 B.C.-Southern Kingdom fell to Babylon.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Middle East Geography Game

Christina: -115 [hahaha]

Jasmine: 0

Section Review && Identify [pg. 27]

Section Review 1:
1. place value notations
2. Hammurabi's Code of Law
3. Hittites
4. Shalmaneser V. and Sargon II
5. Ashurbanipal and Nineveh
6. Nabopalassar. Nebuchadnezzar. 586 B.C
7. Cyrus the Great. He was telling the Jews
to go back to Judah.
8. Darius I and Xerxes I. Darius.
9. Ahasuerus and Artaxerxes I
10. The Persian's ruler was under the law.
They had a much higher regard for their sanctity.

1. The first empire to rule the Middle East after Sumer.
2. King and established the Old Babylonian Empire.
3.Enuma Elish was Babylonian's mathematical genius.
4. Justice is the use of authrity or power to uphold
what is right, just, or lawful.
5. Tiglath-Pileser I-Assyria's first great monarch.
6. Chaldeans-overthrew the Assyrian Empire in 600 B.C.
7.Hanging Garden of Babylon-what Babylon was famous
for also considered one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient
8. Daniel-one of the Jews taken captive by the Babylonians
and wrote the Book of Daniel.
9.Zoroastrianism-pagan form of religion what Persian kings practiced.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

History Channel

August 20, 1911- First around-the-world telegram sent,
66 years before Voyager II launch.

*Christina- Feb. 10 --------Kasparov loses chess game to computer in Feb.96

*Jasmine: June 12th. -Reagan challenges Gorbachev, the Soviet Leader,
tear down" the Berlin Wall, a symbol of the repressive Communist era in a
divided Germany.

Did you know?-Eyeglasses.
Single lenses used to correct the sight of one eye, held in place by wedging in the orbit of the eye, are called monocles. Glasses with a handle rather than bows, often used for reading, are called lorgnettes.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

GeoSpy Game Scores

Jasmine: GeoSpy Continents Game [Score: 7/7] :)
States Game [Score: 21/50]
Countries Game [Score: 8/15]

Countinents: 7/7

Monday, August 17, 2009

Sumer/Mesopotamia Photos


*What FOUR bodies of water surround the Middle East?*
1.Black Sea
2.Red Sea
3.Persian Gulf
4.Caspian Sea

Iraq Photos

Photo 1
-People are jumping into a river. It must be HOT.

Photo 2
-A man and a woman are trying to capture bees.

Photo 3
-The boy is climbing down from the steps of a ziggurat.

Photo 4
-A lady has painted her finger purple.

Photo 5
-People are walking throughout the town gathering groceries.


a. What is known as the "Cradle of Civilization"?
b. Where did these civilizations develop?
-B/tween Tigris & Euphrates
c. Recorded history in Iraq began with what group?
d. What did the Mesopotamians build to collect water?
e. Name 2 Mesopotamian cities.
f. What did crop surpluses do?
-Population to expand and society to flourish
g. Who lived at the temple?
-Officals, entertainers,craftsmen,&priest
h. What was a "ziggurat"?
-Holy tower w/ spriling ramps
i. What were kings revered as?
-Representatives of the gods on Earth
j. What is "cuneiform"?
-The first written language
k. What did they write on their clay tablets? (They kept records of what?)
-Transaction records of commodities: sheep and grain
l. What was the "Epic of Gilgamesh"?
-First major literary work
m. Describe the "hanging gardens" of Babylon.
-Famous throughout the western world as an ancient wonder
n. Who was King Hammurabi? What was Hammurabi's Code?
-Left his mark with a collection of laws. - Defined private property as
well as legal decisions between crimes, family disputes, and commerce.
o. What did Mesopotamia leave a legacy of?
-Law. -Engineering. -Literature.


a. Fact 1 - Iraq is dominated by which 2 rivers?
-Tigris and Euphrates

b. Fact 2 - Rocky deserts cover about what percent of the land?

c. Fact 3 - Are their protected natural areas in Iraq?

d. Fact 4 - What species are at risk in Iraq?
-Cheetahs, Wild Goats, and Dugongs

e. Fact 5 - Describe "carp" fish.
-Fish that grow up to 300 pounds.

f. Fact 6 - What's gone on in Iraq during the past 15 years?
-Two major wars, International Sanctions, Occupations by a foreign government,
and revolt and terrorism.

g. Fact 7 - What is Iraq's nickname?
-"Cradle of Civilization"

h. Fact 8 - Who established the first known system of laws?

i. Fact 9 - When did Babylonian rule end?
-539 B.C.

j. Fact 10 - When did Iraq become an independent country?

k. Fact 11 - What happened to Saddam Hussein?

l. Fact 12 - True or False: Iraq is one of the most culturally diverse nations.

m. Fact 13 - Today, how many Iraqis can read/write?

n. Fact 14 - When were Iraq's first democratic elections held?

o. Fact 15 - What does Iraq have the "world's second largest supply of"?

p. Fact 16 - What's the official name of Iraq? What is the capital city? How many people live there?
-Republic of Iraq -Baghdad -26,783,383

q. Fact 17 - What is Iraq's money called?
- New Iraq Dinar


Jasmine: 6 out of 10


Friday, August 14, 2009


sitting up in world history blogging------------quiz next hour-christina

HEY! :) -jasmine