Thursday, December 10, 2009

Section Review 1. Pg. 259

1.The peasants took matters into their own hands. &&
A form a fuedalsim continued for many years.
2.He gave the Lutherans until April 1531 to return to
the Roman church or face war. && It gave approval to the
state-established church in Germany. && 1555. && Church
membership became more dependent on birth rather than choice.
3.Counter-Reformation. && Prevent any more Catholics from becoming
Protestants and to force as many Protestants back into the Roman
4.Jesuits. && To form a group of men dedicated to the pope and the church.
5.Spread Romanism. && Became teachers and professors

Ausburg Confession:Lutherans presented the emperor their statement of faith
Inquisition:Used torture and terror to obtain confessions of heresy.
Ignatius Loyola:Spanish soldier. && read about the lives of pious Roman saints
and the life of Christ.
Council of Trent: Rome made its stand against the Protestants

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