Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Chapter 14 Study Guide

1.Northern Europe
2.Herbrew dict.
3. wrote the 1st prot. of faith
4. Utopia
5. tran. Bible to French
6. Desiderius Erasmus
7. Never felt good enough
8. Germany
9. Struck by lightening
10.Aug. Friars
11. Univ. of Wittenberg
12. Corr., worldiness
13. Rom.1:17
14.piece of ppr. the broke ur luv 1 from prog.
15 man who sold ind.
16. "As soon as the coffen rings a body from prog. springs.
17.95 Com. against the Cath. Church
18. Pope Louis 10
19. Hanno
20. Wild Boar
21. Meeting in the town of Germany, where Luther apperared before Charles V and asked to reacnt the Veridicts
22. a Her. and outlaw and at any sight of him he is to be cap. and turned over to the emperor to be killed
23.Fred. the Wisr
24.Wartburg Castle
25. Knight George
26. Preachin and singing the 1st time the whole church was involved
27. "A Mighty Fortress is our God"
28. Handel and Bach
29. Cath. Von Bora
30. Man res. for the Pot. Ref. spreading in Switzerland
31.----- Time of Stepping out
------ Un-covering of the church
------ Brilltant minds
----- new Bible Lang.
------ reformation
32. Justication by faith
Priesthood of all believers
God's Word is Sup. Auth.
Right of each Christ. to read the Bible for himself
33. Pope's and clergy are superior to ord. Chr.
all Chr. bel. r priests
all believers can read the Bible

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