Monday, December 14, 2009


Chapter 1 & 2 Test
1.history- memeory of mankind, written record
3. BC- before Christ
4. AD- Anno Domini
5. 3 eras of History- Ancient Hist. Med. hist., Modern hist.
7. Tigri Euphrates- 2 most imp. rivers in fertile crescent
10. Civilization- Fertile Crescent
1. Culture- way of life
4. monotheism-belief in 1 God
5. Polythesim- belief in many gods
10. Post Diluvian- after the flood
2. 3 eras of history- ancient- 4000 bc- 500ad
med. 500ad- 1500ad
modern- 1500 ad- present

Chapter 3 & 4
1. Mt. Everest-highest place on earth
2. Dead Sea-lowest place on earth
4. Caste-social classes
10. India-subcontinent
14. Decalogue-another name of the 10 commandments
15. Mt. Horeb-where did God give Moses the 10 commandments
16. Mecca-Islam began here
2.Chou-longest dynasty in China
7. Clan-group of extended families
9. Fuji-famous Japanese mountain
10. Arcgipelago-group of islands
2. 38th parallel
3. South Korea
4. North Korea
12. Marco Polo
13. Chi'n dynasty
14. Great Wall of China
28. Pyongyang

Chapter 5
3. Northeast corner of Africa
5. Pharoahs
8. Nile
10. Hieroglyphics
1. Hieroglyphics
4. Thebes
5. Egyptian tomb
6. King Tut
7. Mummification

Chapter 6
1. unexplored
2. polar ice caps
5. Sahara
6. Kalahari
7. Atlas
9. Lake Victoria
1. Ebed-melech
4. Simon of Cyrene
5. Clement of Alexandria
9. Eurpoean rule

Chapter 7

1. Black sea
2. Corinth
4. Homer
5. Illiad
6. Odyssey
7. Zeus
8. Apollo
11. Ares
12. Polis
14. Acropolis

Chapter 8
2. Warm, Medit.
3. Alps
5. 753 BC
6. Forum
7. Patricians
8. Plebeians
9. Paterfamilia
12. Pantheon
14. Pedagogue
15. Roman Senate
19. Conquest
20. Legion
1. Carthage
2. Hannibal
3. Gladiators
5. Triumvriate
1. Roman Peace
2. Caesar Augustus
4. Crazy Caligula
5. Nero
7. Mt. Vesuvius
8. Pompeii

Chapter 12
1. knights
2. Prague
3. Mich. Angelo
4. Moat
5. Serf
6. jousting
7. chaucer
2. Medicis
4. Burghers
6. Black Death
9. Divicins
1. piece of land
3. estate belonged to nobles
15. famous painting by DaVinci

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