Thursday, October 29, 2009

Chapter 9 Section Review 3

1.Clemente of Rome && Ignatius && Polycarp && Papias
2. Aristids && Iranies && Athanesius
3. Iranies against all heresies
4. Tertullian
5. Origen
6.Translated the scriptures out of hebrew and greek into the common bible of eraly western church, the latin vulgate
7. Ambrose && John Chrysoston
8. Augustine, Confessions && City of God
9. Apostles Creed, Nicean Creed,&& Anthasian
10.325 AD, Constantinople, Ephesus, Chalcedon
11. Theodosius && Made fake Christians.
Church Fathers:preachers and teachers that god raised up to defend faith
apologists:those who attempted to reasonably defend christianity against pagan defamations
Gnosticism:combined elements of greek philosiphy
Monarchism:denied the monarchy of the trinity
Creed:confessions of faith
Arianism:false doctrine which denied the diety of Christ

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