Monday, October 5, 2009

Chapter 7 Section Review 2

1.monarchy and council of the elders and assembly
2.aristocracy:ruled by the best && oligarchy:ruled by the few
monarchy, aristocracy, oligarchy, tyranny, democracy, oligarchy, and tyranny.
3.ruled by the many or common people
4.Society-three classes: ruling, middle, and slaves.
Government-strong military
Children-started training at age seven.
Sparta contributed virtually nothing of lasting significance to world history.
5. Solon repealed the harsh edicts of Draco. Solon's were
better. && It was merciful.
6. Pericles && dominated Athens from 461 to 429 B.C. && Golden Age of Greece.
7. It met on the island of Delos. Delian League became and Athenian Empire.
8. Greece was split in two. Sparta's supremacy was short lived. Thebes delievered a decisive defeat to Sparta. Greek city states became independent again. Dates: 421 B.C. to 415 B.C. to 404 B.C.

helots: slaves
Peloponessian League:an alliance with Corinth, Megara, and other cities in Peloponnesus.
Court of Areopagus: wealthiest Athenians could serve as archons.
Peisistratus: a noble man aspiring to office.
Cleisthenes: new champion of the common people.
ostracism: citizend could vote to banish any person they considered dangerous of ten years.
representative democracy: a few man were elected to represent the citizens in gov.
direct democracy: citizens made decisions.

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