Monday, October 26, 2009


1.restricted nations-nations restricted from hearing the gospel.
3.Libya-broaden the Islamic law.
Saudi Arabia-Islamic state
Vietnam-Atheist regime tries to control all religious movement
Ethiopia- Islam grow strong
5.VOM- dedicated to help the persercuted Churches worldwide.
7. By spreading the word, helping out the foundation, and foremost praying for the ppl.
8.Pastor Richard Wurmbrand
9. In Our Time Toleration
While it is clear that James was a politician and saw the opportunity of detatching the more tolerant Christians from those Churchmen who believed forcing others to the true faith was an act of Christian love rather than persecution. He also believed that toleration was a reasonable principle. Its worth also recalling that Roman Catholics were not tolerated until the late 1820s. Many people embraced his policy of toleration.
Pope Flies Into Ukraine ControversyThe local Orthodox Church accuses the country's Catholics of violently seizing its property and persecuting its priests and congregation.However, at Mr Kuchma's invitation and against the wishes of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, which is subordinate to the Russian Orthodox Church, the pontiff will celebrate two Latin and two Byzantine masses for nearly two million people in Kiev and Lviv.The BBC's Rome correspondent says the Pope feels he has a God-given mission to heal the split between Eastern and Western Christians.
In January 1933, Nazis, lead by Hitler, came to power in Germany. During the era of the Holocaust, German authorities also targeted other groups because of their perceived "racial inferiority": Roma (Gypsies), the disabled, and some of the Slavic peoples (Poles, Russians, and others). Other groups were persecuted on political, ideological, and behavioral grounds, among them Communists, Socialists, and Jehovah's Witnesses.
Polygamist Leader:Arrest is Religous Perscution
Winston Blackmore, who was arrested Wednesday, claimed there are tens of thousands of polygamists across Canada but said his religious sect is being singled out, disregarding his right to religious freedom.
State Department Praises Jordan && Qatar for Progress on Religous Freedom
International Religious Freedom -- a comprehensive report compiled by the State Department that lists a host of countries guilty of severe violations of religious freedom under the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998.
Among the worst violators listed in the report include North Korea, Iran, Burma, China, Sudan and Venezuela.
But during a press conference with reporters Monday, Posner cited two egregious acts of religious intolerance -- one in the U.S., the other in Germany -- while noting progress made in countries like Qatar and Egypt, where religious persecution is widespread.
11. By diff. groups coming together to stop persecution and help spread the Gospel. By also getting the foundation to help the ppl.

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