Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Section Review 26 && ID

1. North Korea and South Korea. &&
2. They recieved aid in weapon supplies and cash. && Fuchs,
Juilius and Ethel Rosenberg, and Alger Hiss. && Joseph P. McCarthy
3. Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, and Czech
4. Truman Doctrine && containment
5. Marshall plan. && Soviet Plan: provided further communism in Europe
6. April 1949 && NATO && Warsaw Pact
7. Nikita Khrushchev && Peaceful Coexistence
8. 1956 && 1968 && 500,000 troops in Czech
9. Berlin Wall && 1961
10. Churhill && Eden Machmillan
11. Gaulle && He strengthened France's military
12. Gasperi

1. Cold War- War fought with words
2. Satellite Nation- Nations supposedly ind. but techinically under the dom. of another
3. Harry Hopkins- Dir. of the Lend Lease and a confidant of FDR
4. Alger Hiss- Convicted of perjury for denying that he helped transfer a secret US Doc.
to the Soviet
5. Iron Curtain- Tyranny and oppression having descended upon the nations of E. Europe
6. West Germany- Nations untied in 1949
7. Berlin Airlift- Save W. Berliners from starvation
8. EEC- European econ. community
9. Marshall Tito- Dic. of Yugoslavia
10. Konrad Adenauer- roman catholic conservative politician
11. British Commonwealth of Nations- established prior to world war II
12. Francios Mitterand- became president of France in 1981
13. Red Brigades- kidnapped and murdered Italian premier Aldo Moro in 1978
14. Juan Carlos- encouraged moderation and democratic rule